According to McNiff (2003), action research questions should focus on my self-improvement or how can I improve what I do. During this first month of the certification program, my head has been swimming with all sorts of ideas, most requiring the cooperation of other teachers. I am new to the school I presently work at and do not really work closely with teachers but rather consult with students.
The largest “chore” I deal with is communicating with each students’ four academic teachers on a monthly basis. Emails are currently the way most contact is done. Information is sporadic, not consistent and ends up being a paper filing job after printing out each email. I normally have to send at least two reminders out to teachers before I get all information back. I started thinking about ways I could elicit information from teachers in a systematic way, gathering the exact information I needed, collected together under each student’s file and with as little effort from the teachers.
While I was studying different web2.0 apps, I discovered Google Docs, which lead me to Google Forms, which lead me to my action research direction. I would find out as much as possible about the Google Apps for educators and determine if I could develop a system to gather data and be accessible where ever I am at with a computer.
My official problem statement is the inability to gather timely and correct data on a monthly basis about the progress, behavior and academic success of my cohort of students.
The outcome I am expecting is to develop a form or survey through Google Forms to be delivered to teachers via their email. The survey will consist of multiple choice questions and short answer questions in a text box. The questions will be based on the exact information I need for each month based on each student. The questionnaire will be simple and to the point, therefore easier for teachers to complete and return. The data will be compiled in a spreadsheet and can be filed electronically within Google Forms, so I can access it at any computer in whatever room I may conduct a student conference.
My critical friends are two classmates who are also in the Certification Program and one teacher who is in an administrative position who also needs to collect data from teachers who are slow to respond. My two classmates will help me better understand the process we are going through together and the teacher can give me insights from the educational field.
As I previously stated, this is the first month in the program, so everything I have learned in ETC has effected my choice of project, the web2.0 apps I have reviewed by myself or through viewing other classmates blogs. I am glad I have two classmates traveling with me in the certificate program. We are different than the year long program and sometimes assignments are confusing because they are based on background knowledge we did not experience.
My website URL is
My ETC blog URL is
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